
We can be proud of new project co-financed by the European Union for the research and development of the factory charging system.


The company BV elektronik s.r.o. as a recipient of a grant from the support program Potential informs about the possibility of access to the supported infrastructure. The potential users of the infrastructure are primarily subjects belonging to the scientific community. Independent users of the infrastructure cannot be persons or entities that do not have the professional prerequisites to operate with it. The supported part of the infrastructure is used exclusively for conducting research. Devices that are part of the supported infrastructure can be used, for example, to construct functional samples and prototypes, which are generally a permitted output within the framework of research. Serial production is prohibited. Open access to the infrastructure is provided by telephone arrangement with Mr. Jaromír Lohnisky, tel.: 731 608 249, e-mail: The list of provided infrastructure and the fee schedule are available upon request from the recipient.

Research and development center for the realization of the factory charging system.

Next donation from BV Elektronik was to kindergarden Uhersko. Specifically to the little boy Kája, who thanks to it can participate with other children of outside activities.

Donation from BV

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